Cloud Accounting Solutions: Revolutionizing Financial Management in UAE

Cloud Accounting Solutions

In the dynamic business landscape of the UAE, staying ahead of the curve is essential for financial success. Cloud accounting solutions have emerged as transformative tools, reshaping traditional financial management practices.

In this blog, we explore the revolutionizing impact of cloud accounting on businesses in the UAE, highlighting its benefits, implementation strategies, and how Profits Plus is leading the charge in integrating this technology for unparalleled financial management. You can check different accounting software companies in Dubai for their availability.

1۔ Embracing Accessibility: Anytime, Anywhere Financial Control

One of the key advantages of cloud accounting solutions is the freedom it offers. With cloud-based platforms, businesses can access their financial data anytime, anywhere, as long as there’s an internet connection. In a bustling market like the UAE, where businesses operate round the clock, this accessibility ensures real-time financial control, enabling informed decision-making and immediate responses to market changes. Moreover, you can easily find VAT compliant accounting software in UAE.

2۔ Enhanced Security: Safeguarding Sensitive Financial Data

Security is paramount in the UAE’s business environment. Cloud Accounting and bookkeeping solutions employ advanced encryption and security protocols, often surpassing the measures implemented in traditional accounting systems. Data breaches and unauthorized access become significantly less likely, giving businesses peace of mind while handling sensitive financial information. Profits Plus ensures the highest level of data security, ensuring client confidentiality is never compromised.

3۔ Streamlining Collaboration: Seamless Teamwork for Financial Success

Collaboration is the cornerstone of efficient financial management. Cloud accounting solutions facilitate seamless collaboration between team members, accountants, and clients. Multiple users can work on the same file simultaneously, share real-time updates, and collaborate on financial strategies. This streamlined teamwork enhances productivity, eliminates communication gaps, and fosters a cohesive financial approach within businesses.

4۔ Scalability and Cost Efficiency: Tailored Solutions for Every Business

In the UAE’s diverse market, businesses range from startups to large enterprises. Cloud accounting solutions offer scalability, allowing businesses to tailor their financial systems according to their needs. Whether it’s a small business looking for basic bookkeeping or a large corporation needing complex financial analysis, cloud accounting solutions can be customized. Moreover, the cost-efficiency of these solutions ensures that businesses of all sizes can access advanced financial tools without breaking the bank.

5۔ Data Analytics for Informed Decision-Making

Cloud accounting solutions offer powerful data analytics tools. Businesses in the UAE can leverage these tools to gain valuable insights from their financial data. By analyzing trends, predicting customer behaviors, and understanding market demands, businesses can make informed decisions. Profits Plus specializes in helping businesses interpret this data, enabling them to develop targeted strategies that enhance profitability and market competitiveness.

6۔ Automated Processes for Efficiency

Automation is a cornerstone of cloud accounting. Repetitive tasks such as invoice generation, payroll processing, and expense tracking can be automated. This not only saves time but also reduces the likelihood of human error. For businesses in the UAE, where precision and efficiency are valued, automation ensures smooth financial operations. Profits Plus assists businesses in seamlessly integrating automation, allowing them to focus on core activities while their financial processes run efficiently in the background.

7۔ Scalable Disaster Recovery and Backup

The UAE’s business landscape demands robust disaster recovery solutions. Cloud accounting platforms offer scalable backup and disaster recovery options. In the event of data loss due to unforeseen circumstances, businesses can swiftly recover their financial data without significant disruptions. Profits Plus ensures that businesses have comprehensive backup strategies in place, safeguarding their financial information against any potential loss or damage.

The Way Forward

Cloud accounting solutions stand as a cornerstone for financial success in the UAE. From data analytics driving strategic decisions to automation enhancing efficiency, and scalable disaster recovery ensuring data integrity, the benefits are vast. Profits Plus not only understands these advantages but tailors them to the unique needs of businesses in the UAE. By embracing cloud accounting, businesses can not only meet the demands of the competitive market but also position themselves as leaders, ready to tackle challenges and seize opportunities.

Dubai’s Real Estate Market: Profiting from Lucrative Opportunities

Dubai's Real Estate Market

Dubai’s real estate market has long been a symbol of opulence and architectural marvels, attracting investors from around the world. With its modern skyline, luxurious developments, and strategic location as a global business and tourism hub, Dubai offers an array of profitable opportunities for real estate investors.

Throughout this blog, we will explore the key factors that make Dubai’s real estate market an attractive investment destination and shed light on the potential benefits for savvy investors looking to capitalize on this flourishing market.

6 Reasons Why Dubai is a Safe Haven for Realtors

Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why real estate investors need to invest in Dubai:

1. Rapid Economic Growth and Stability

Dubai’s economy has witnessed rapid growth and diversification over the years, making it one of the most stable economies in the region. The emirate’s strategic location between Europe, Asia, and Africa, coupled with a business-friendly environment, has attracted multinational corporations and entrepreneurs. Demand for residential and commercial properties has increased due to this continuous economic expansion, providing a steady stream of investment opportunities.

2. Thriving Tourism Sector

Dubai’s flourishing tourism sector is a driving force behind the demand for real estate investments. The city attracts millions of visitors each year, drawn to its world-class attractions, luxurious resorts, and exciting entertainment options. Tourists often seek short-term accommodation, creating a strong demand for holiday homes, serviced apartments, and hotel residences. Investors can capitalize on this trend by tapping into Dubai’s lucrative short-term rental market.

3. Tax Advantages

Dubai’s tax-friendly environment is a significant advantage for investors. The absence of income tax and capital gains tax on property transactions makes it an attractive location for global investors seeking to maximize their returns. Additionally, the introduction of value-added tax (VAT) has had a minimal impact on the real estate market, as residential properties are generally exempt from VAT. So, you won’t have to pay any VAT expense account.

4. Robust Infrastructure and Development

Dubai’s commitment to infrastructure development is evident in its ambitious projects, such as the Dubai Metro, Palm Jumeirah, and Dubai Marina. These developments have not only enhanced the city’s livability but also increased the value of properties in their vicinity. With ongoing infrastructure projects and smart city initiatives in the pipeline, investors can expect sustained growth in property values and rental yields. Not to mention all this development is attracting foreigners to start new business setup in Dubai.

5. Real Estate Financing Options

Dubai offers a wide range of real estate financing options for investors, making property acquisition more accessible. Local and international banks provide attractive mortgage solutions, enabling investors to leverage their capital and expand their property portfolios. These financing options, coupled with the potential for rental income, make Dubai’s real estate market a lucrative prospect for both individual and institutional investors.

6. Foreign Ownership

One of the most appealing aspects of Dubai’s real estate market is its liberal approach to foreign ownership. Non-UAE nationals can freely buy and sell property in designated areas, known as freehold areas. This openness to foreign ownership has significantly boosted the city’s real estate market, attracting international investors looking for stable and secure investment opportunities. All these tax procedures law in UAE make it easier for foreigners to invest in Dubai.


Dubai’s real estate market presents an array of profitable opportunities for investors seeking high returns and capital appreciation. With its stable economy, booming tourism sector, tax advantages, robust infrastructure, real estate financing options, and open foreign ownership policies, the city continues to be an attractive destination for global investors. As a trusted partner in the UAE, Profits Plus is ready to guide investors on their journey to capitalize on the lucrative opportunities that Dubai’s real estate market has to offer. Whether you are a seasoned investor or looking to make your first investment, Dubai’s thriving real estate market is ripe for exploration and prosperity.

6 Ways to Choose the Right Financial Advisor in Dubai

Right Financial Advisor in Dubai

Navigating the complex financial world requires expertise and guidance. Whether you are an individual looking for personal financial advice or a business seeking strategic financial planning, choosing the right professional is crucial. In Dubai, a global financial hub, the options may seem overwhelming. But with the right business setup consultants in Dubai, you can easily overcome these obstacles.

In this blog, we will provide you with valuable insights and essential factors to consider when selecting financial advisors in Dubai, ensuring that the right decision is made and that you receive the guidance you need from a trusted professional.

1.  Define Your Financial Goals

Before selecting your financial advisor, identify and define your financial goals. Whether you are seeking investment advice, retirement planning, debt management, or tax optimization, having a clear understanding of your objectives makes it easier to find an advisor with the right expertise. Determine your short-term and long-term financial goals, consider any specific requirements or challenges unique to your situation, and look for accounting and auditing companies in Dubai that offer those.

2.  Research Credentials and Qualifications

When entrusting someone with your financial well-being, make sure you verify their credentials and qualifications. Make sure they hold relevant certifications and licenses, such as a (CFP) Certified Financial Planner or a (CFA) Chartered Financial Analyst. By earning these designations, the advisor has undergone rigorous training and meets industry standards for competence and professionalism.

Additionally, research the advisor’s experience and track record. Find out how long they have been in the industry and if similar situations have been faced by them before. Check for any disciplinary actions or complaints filed against the advisor by consulting relevant regulatory bodies or professional organizations. Likewise, you can also consider engaging in outsourced CFO services.

3.  Understand the Fee Structure

Financial advisors typically charge fees for their services, and it’s crucial to understand their fee structure upfront. Some advisors work on a flat fee basis, while others work on a commission basis or a combination of fees and commissions. Ask for a breakdown of their fees and understand what services are included. Ensure that the fee structure aligns with your budget and the complexity of your financial needs.

Moreover, inquire about any potential conflicts of interest that may arise due to their fee structure. For instance, if an advisor earns commissions from selling specific financial products, it’s important to understand how this may impact their recommendations. Transparency in fee structures helps build trust and ensures that the advisor’s interests are aligned with yours.

4.  Assess Communication and Rapport

Establishing open and effective communication with your advisor is the key to a successful partnership. During initial consultations or meetings, assess the advisor’s communication style, responsiveness, and willingness to listen to your concerns. A good advisor makes it a priority to understand your financial situation, communicate clearly, and provide personalized recommendations.

Additionally, consider the level of rapport and trust you feel with the advisor. You should feel comfortable sharing personal and sensitive financial information with them. Building a strong relationship based on trust and effective communication is vital for long-term financial success.

5.  Evaluate the Range of Services

Consider the range of services offered by the financial advisor and ensure they align with your needs. Some advisors specialize in specific areas, such as retirement planning and investment management, while others offer comprehensive financial planning services. Assess whether the advisor’s expertise matches your requirements and whether they can provide a holistic approach to your financial goals.

Furthermore, inquire about the tools and resources the advisor utilizes to support their services. Do they have access to robust financial planning software or research platforms? Do they offer an internal audit? Understanding the advisor’s capabilities and resources can give you confidence in their ability to provide informed and up-to-date financial advice.

6.   Seek Recommendations and Conduct Interviews

Seek recommendations from trusted sources, such as friends, family, or colleagues, who have had positive experiences with financial advisors in Dubai. Their firsthand experiences and insights can be valuable in guiding your decision-making process.

Having shortlisted potential advisors, schedule interviews or meetings to discuss your financial objectives and evaluate their suitability. Use this opportunity to ask specific questions about their experience, approach to financial planning, and how they would address your unique circumstances. Assess their ability to understand your needs and provide customized solutions.

The Way Forward!

Selecting a reliable financial advisor in Dubai is a crucial step toward achieving your financial goals. By defining your objectives, researching credentials, understanding the fee structure, assessing communication and rapport, evaluating services, and seeking recommendations, you can make an informed decision. At Profits Plus, we understand the importance of choosing a trusted financial advisor, and we are committed to providing personalized financial solutions that cater to your unique needs.

The Latest Changes to UAE VAT Regulations: What You Need to Know

UAE VAT Regulations

It is crucial for businesses operating in the UAE to stay current with the latest changes to Value Added Tax (VAT) regulations. The UAE’s tax system relies heavily on VAT, and recent developments have introduced significant updates that can impact businesses of all sizes.

Here, we will explain the latest changes in the UAE VAT regulations. It doesn’t matter whether you own a business or are looking for starting a business in Dubai; this blog is for you.

Expansion of VAT Scope

Expanding the VAT scope is one of the most significant changes to UAE VAT regulations. Previously, VAT was imposed on a limited range of goods and services. However, the recent changes have broadened the scope to include additional sectors. This expansion means businesses operating in industries previously unaffected by VAT may now have to register for VAT and comply with the associated regulations. In order to comply with VAT regulations, businesses must assess the impact on their operations and assess the impact on their VAT compliance processes.

For example, sectors such as education, healthcare, and real estate were previously exempt from VAT. However, recent changes have brought them under the VAT umbrella, and businesses in these sectors must now comply with the regulations and adjust their financial processes accordingly. Another good option is to use VAT accounting software to streamline your processes.

Introduction of New VAT Rates

Another notable change is the introduction of new VAT rates. Previously, the standard VAT rate in the UAE was set at 5%. However, specific sectors and goods/services may now have different rates. For instance, certain goods and services deemed essential may be subject to a reduced rate, while others may be subject to a higher rate. Businesses should review their offerings and determine the applicable VAT rates to ensure accurate pricing and compliance.

The introduction of new VAT rates requires businesses to update their invoicing systems, revise pricing structures, and communicate any changes to their customers effectively. Failing to implement the correct VAT rates can result in financial discrepancies and potential penalties.

Changes in VAT Exemptions

The recent updates to UAE VAT regulations have also changed the list of exempted goods and services. Previously exempt items may now be subject to VAT, while new exemptions may have been introduced. Businesses must reassess their operations and verify whether any previously exempted transactions are now taxable. This helps ensure compliance and avoid potential penalties.

For example, certain financial services, residential leases, and transportation services were previously exempt from VAT. However, the changes in VAT regulations may have removed these exemptions or introduced new criteria for exemption. Businesses must carefully review the updated list of exemptions and adjust their VAT calculations and reporting accordingly.

Enhanced VAT Compliance and Reporting Obligations

To streamline VAT compliance processes, the UAE has introduced enhanced reporting obligations. Businesses are now required to submit detailed VAT reports, including transaction-level information, periodically. These reports provide tax authorities with comprehensive insights into a company’s VAT-related activities. For this reason, businesses must implement robust systems and processes to track and report VAT and tax procedures law in UAE accurately to meet these obligations.

In addition to VAT reports, businesses may also be required to maintain proper VAT records, including invoices, receipts, and supporting documentation. The introduction of more detailed reporting and record-keeping obligations emphasizes the importance of maintaining accurate and organized financial records.

Increased Scrutiny and Penalties

With the updates to UAE VAT regulations, tax authorities have ramped up their efforts to enforce compliance. Businesses are now subject to increased scrutiny, with tax audits and investigations becoming more frequent. Non-compliance with VAT regulations can result in severe penalties, including financial fines and reputational damage. Therefore, businesses must prioritize VAT compliance and stay updated with the latest requirements.

Staying informed about the latest changes to UAE VAT regulations is vital for businesses operating in the UAE. The expansion of VAT scope, the introduction of new rates, changes in exemptions, enhanced compliance obligations, and increased scrutiny by tax authorities all demand the attention of businesses to ensure compliance and avoid penalties. At Profits Plus, we understand the complexities of VAT regulations and offer comprehensive VAT advisory services to assist companies in navigating these changes. Contact us today to ensure your business’s standard operating procedures remain compliant and maximize its VAT efficiency.

UAE’s Digital Transformation and Its Impact on Accounting and Finance

accounting and finance in the UAE

Over the past few years, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has undergone a digital transformation that has had a significant impact on various sectors, including accounting and finance. The rapid adoption of new technologies has transformed the way financial transactions are conducted and managed, leading to increased efficiency, accuracy, and transparency of accounting firms in Dubai.

Therefore, today we’ll explore how digital transformation has impacted accounting and finance in the UAE.

Ways in Which Digital Transformation Impacted Accounting and Finance in the UAE

Let’s look at some of the ways digitalization has impacted the accounting & finance sector.

Automation of Financial Processes

One of the most significant impacts of digital transformation on accounting and finance is the automation of financial processes. With the help of software and other tools, financial transactions such as invoicing, payment processing, and reconciliation can be automated. Reducing the need for manual intervention. This has led to increased efficiency, faster processing times, and fewer errors.

Real-time Financial Reporting

Another important impact of digital transformation on accounting and finance is the availability of real-time financial reporting. With the help of digital tools, financial data can be collected, processed, and reported in real-time, allowing for better decision-making and more accurate forecasting. This has also enabled greater transparency and accountability in financial reporting, which is particularly important in the UAE’s business environment.

Improved Data Management

Digital transformation has also led to improvements in data management, particularly in the area of financial data. With the help of cloud-based storage and data analytics tools, financial data can be stored securely and analyzed more effectively. This has enabled businesses to gain insights into their financial performance, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions.

Increased Focus on Cybersecurity

As digital transformation has accelerated, cybersecurity has become a key concern for businesses in the UAE. With the increased use of digital tools and online transactions, the risk of cyber-attacks has also increased. This has led to a greater focus on cybersecurity measures, including the use of advanced encryption technologies, firewalls, and other security measures.

Increased Efficiency in Financial Operations

Digital transformation has enabled companies to streamline financial operations by reducing manual interventions and automating tasks. The use of digital tools has led to faster processing times, increased accuracy in data entry, and improved cash flow management. This has allowed companies to focus on core business operations, reduce costs, and improve profitability without having to worry about managing cash flow.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Digital transformation has also led to an improved customer experience in accounting and finance. With the availability of online banking, mobile applications, and other digital tools, customers can easily access their financial information and carry out transactions from anywhere at any time. This has made it easier for customers to manage their finances and has improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Integration with Other Business Processes

Digital transformation has enabled better integration between accounting and finance and other business processes. With the use of digital tools such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, financial data can be seamlessly integrated with other business processes such as sales, supply chain management, and human resources. This has enabled most accounting and auditing companies in Dubai to gain a holistic view of their operations, improve decision-making, and optimize their business processes.

Opportunities for New Business Models

Digital transformation has also created opportunities for new business models in accounting and finance. For example, the use of blockchain technology has enabled the creation of new financial instruments and payment systems, such as cryptocurrencies and smart contracts. This has opened up new possibilities for financial transactions, increased transparency, and reduced costs. As a result, you can clearly see a rise in people trying to establish a new business setup in Dubai.

Challenges of Digital Transformation

Despite the numerous benefits of digital transformation in accounting and finance, there are also challenges associated with this process. These include the need for skilled professionals to manage digital tools, cybersecurity risks, and the potential for errors and data breaches. Companies need to have a comprehensive digital transformation strategy that addresses these challenges and ensures a smooth transition to a digital financial system.

The Way Forward!

The digital transformation of accounting and finance in the UAE has led to significant changes in the way we used to conduct and manage financial transactions. Automation of financial processes, real-time financial reporting, improved data management, increased focus on cybersecurity, increased efficiency in financial operations, enhanced customer experience, integration with other business processes, and opportunities for new business models are just a few examples of how digital transformation has transformed the financial sector in the UAE.

As companies continue to adopt digital tools and technologies, it is important to address the challenges associated with digital transformation and develop a comprehensive strategy that ensures a smooth transition to a digital financial system. So, if you also want to take your company to the next level hire a new-age accounting firm such as Profits plus Accountants.

How To Write An Audit Report – Contents of Internal Audit Report 

audit report

To write a high-impact audit report, you need lots of practice and time with proper guidance. It must be done per the standards and in alignment with the primary objectives to effectively explain the whole audit management process. To learn how to write a good audit report, you must look for some tips and best practices.

The first step should be penning down the detailed writing format for the report. Utilizing the standard internal audit report formats provided by ISO and other organizations is always better. Brainstorm how you will present your information and what stats you will be including because overwhelming them with unnecessary facts and figures will bore them sooner. Keep the 5 C’s of internal audit report writing in mind.

You can search for audit report templates (audit report samples) to get a quick idea.

How to Write an Internal Audit Report?

Do you know the what is the best internal audit report format? For an Internal audit summary report, a standard template is usually followed to meet the core objectives and requirements that the addressee has asked for. The better the report format, the clearer the picture of the business’s financial status.

The audit report structure must have the below-mentioned sections in the same sequence but you can make slight changes such as adding follow-up section:

  1. Title & Cover

How to prepare internal audit report? Let’s start with a simple yet engaging cover that must leave a good impression. After all, it will be the first point of contact with the reader. A quality internal audit report cover page speaks for the auditor’s efforts. Your cover should provide the readers with the title, auditor’s name, the end date for audit, and the company’s name being audited. Don’t forget to mention “Independent Auditor’s Report” in the title as per the internal audit report structure.

  1. Addressee details 

Addressee means the person who will be addressed in the report, a person responsible for hiring the auditors. It is usually the shareholders of the company. Their professional life, designation, duty roles, and essential employment incidents or experiences must be highlighted. It makes the internal audit report presentation more engaging.

  1. Introduction

One of the most important headings in an internal audit report writing format! This section must highlight the significant points to have a better understanding and give a quick overview to understand why the audit report is presented, such as:

  • The area/departments being audited
  • The processes being audited
  • The standards followed while conducting an audit (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, etc.)
  • Any historical financial information
  • Any facts that readers must keep in mind while reading the report

It must be concise but legible and authentic. No false facts or unverifiable statements must be made.

  1. Scope & Objectives

As the heading implies, the scope and purpose of the audit must be explained thoroughly. After reading this section, the addressee must understand:

  • What the audit is really about
  • The reasons why the audit risk areas are of importance to the company
  • Any limitations on the scope of work completed
  • The members responsible for conducting the audit
  • Why internal controls are tested 
  • How Company’s accounts are inquired about and verified

The auditor must provide credible proof that the audit examination of the company’s financial reports has been completed per the country-wide accepted standards. The evidence must be legitimate and free of material misstatements to make the shareholders or investors believe you.

internal audit report
  1. Opinions

One of the essential sections of any internal audit report is the auditors’ opinions concerning the business’s current financial status. It can be:

Unqualified or Clean OpinionThe highest grade opinion signifying that the report is generated and maintained in full compliance with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) without any misstatements in financial records.

Qualified Opinion: It is issued only if the company fails to maintain financial records following GAAP. However, the report is free of misstatements or when unacceptable disclosures are provided for the financial accounts.

Adverse Opinion: Lowest-grade opinion, or the worst type of opinion given on the internal audit review report explaining that records are neither conformed to the GAAP nor free of misrepresentations. It directly puts the company in the lousy spotlight, being called a fraud.

Disclaimer of Opinion: If the company fails to prove its financial status or the auditor is unable to determine the status due to the lack of details.

  1. Results

Once the reason for auditing is explained, issues with their root causes are identified, flaws in financial records are highlighted, opinions are made, and the final verdict of the auditors’ team is provided. The result section summarizes the major findings supported by credible references and criticizes the performance of the management in resolving formerly acknowledged problems.

  1. Recommendations 

It is a point where you suggest new action plans to meet the deficiencies of the financial department considering the records. The skilled auditors can only play an advisory role, making recommendations or encouraging them to take certain actions to get rid of problems, but the final decision will be taken by the management

  1. Conclusions

It is considered the end of the internal quality audit report format where auditors are asked to add more comments (positive or negative) that cannot be mentioned in the result section. It goes beyond the individual issues of a company’s corporate governance. You can write an internal auditor’s opinion in this section as well. Most importantly, it gives you extra space to write positive notes to appreciate the management team.

The internal audit annual report is finalized after examining the company’s internal control systems deficiencies, which have some common sections, as mentioned above.

  1. Terminologies: 

Provide a short and easy-to-understand definition for each and every term you have used in the structure of internal audit report. It makes it easier for everyone to understand the information.

  1. Auditor’s signature and Place of the signature

At the end of the internal audit reporting structure, don’t forget to add the auditor’s signature on the report for credibility. The auditor must mention the city in which the report is signed.

  1. Date of the Internal control audit report: 

Always mention the date when the auditor signed the audit report.

Create an Executive Summary

Do you really think that senior executives read every word or go through every page? Well, they don’t have enough time to do so. That’s why draft internal audit report with an executive summary highlighting key points such as important dates, procedures, factual statements, and figures.

It must summarize all data and present it to the decision-makers to determine if they need any new action plan. It must not take more than 30 minutes to read. 

In literal meanings, “it is a compact debate of the conclusions of the auditing tasks completed in a complete audit report layout.”

Audit Services to Improve Operational Control

With the help of experienced, professional, and skilled accountants at Profits plus, you can handle an organization’s internal audit more efficiently. We have assurance and consultant services with risk advisory to help you reach your ultimate goal. Our team always selects the most beneficial standard policies for Dubai-based businesses while guiding them through auditing and supervising financial operations.

8 Different Types of Accounting Practices

How do you plan on expanding your business without knowing how many resources you are left with, how much revenue you can expect, and how much money has been spent on taxation? You simply can’t! 

Every business needs a stable accounting department responsible for keeping the owners updated about the current financial position along with anticipated percentages of profit or loss. 

8 Types of Accounting Practices 

To keep your finances straight and up-to-date with the company’s cash flow, you must be familiar with all eight types of accounting. 

  1. Public Accounting 

As the name suggests, public accounting is a practice where a businessman allows an independent accounting firm’s certified public accountants (CPAs) to keep their company’s accounts, financial records, bank statements, and related information in check and balance as a few of the financial documents are necessary to be publicized. UAE has plenty of well-known public accounting firms offering additional services, such as bookkeeping, financial consulting, and payroll services, apart from auditing and taxation. 

The firm will be held accountable for strategizing business plans, suggesting profitable mergers, and making acquisitions while keeping the internal accounting system streamlined. 

  1. Private Accounting 

It is an accounting practice where an accounting professional (expert) is recruited to bring the business’s accounting and other information in order. He is responsible for recording finances properly and keeping them updated. The accountant will be provided full authority to tackle all financial, tax-related, and managerial accounting issues within the organization. 

  1. Government Accounting 

A practice where government agencies responsibly deploy state auditors (or equally eligible individuals) for recording, creating, and anticipating budget (income and expenditures) in accordance with the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). Agencies will set reporting standards and track: 

  • How public money is being spent 
  • Amount of the remaining available funds 

 It is a valuable step in ensuring that financial, accounting, and related information is accurate.  

  1. Financial Accounting 

This accounting principle is a traditional practice and serves the purpose of keeping an updated record of each transaction, maintaining a balance sheet for trailing the financial situation, pinning down assets and liabilities, informing shareholders about the financial shifts, and providing the owners with the detailed summary of cash flow. A financial accountant expert (secretaries, stock intermediaries, chartered accountants, etc.) is obliged to follow internationally or locally recognized accounting standards to prepare financial statements and the statement of change in equity. 

Two main types of financial accounting are cash accounting (mainly practiced by SMEs) and accrual accounting (suitable for larger businesses). It is necessary to define the company’s existing financial status. 

  1. Cost Accounting 

It only collects and analyze information regarding the company’s expenditure on manufacturing products. Cost accounting helps you make sensible decisions about future inventory, production, manufacturing, and supply spending. It comprises fixed costs, variable costs or input costs, etc. and is aimed at finding the cost gap between the estimated and the actual cost of production. 

  1. Forensic Accounting 

Forensic accounting is inevitable for any business as it serves the function of a financial detective, responsible for: 

  • Scheduling timely evaluations to get a hold of financial fraud 
  • Finding lawful proof of malpractices 
  • Submitting evidence to the courts to prove the case of embezzlement 
  • Writing an accounting report in easy terms for the court to explain if the company is carrying out illegal procedures 
  • Analyzing data to determine the missing amount  
  • Suggesting practicable solutions to recover the lost amount 
  • Highlighting misstatements and verifying controls 

You can either keep it in-house or hire forensic accountants. 

  1. Management Accounting 

Like financial accounting, management accounting involves using statistical tools and approaches for recording data and analyzing financial transactions. By using these statistics, accountants manage to infer current or upcoming trends as well as forecast financial liabilities. It not only considers the company’s expenses but also non-financial aspects of the business to make profitable decisions.  

The three most common categories of management accounting include strategic, performance, and risk management. Depending on your business needs, you can implement one or all three at once for obtaining information. 

  1. Tax Accounting 

A type of accounting solely designed to check the company’s tax liabilities: registration, returns, deregistration, and payments.  

In UAE, tax accountants take care of VAT-related issues. They check if your company needs to pay tax, what amount, and when. With their proper help, you will be paying the respected amount of taxation without delays, saving you from administrative penalties. It ensures that you are following all-time changing tax laws. 

How Profit Plus Can Help in Accounting 

Outsourcing your accounting needs is beneficial for highlighting high-level risks of future events and preparing you to embrace unforeseen circumstances. Profit Plus has qualified British accountants for delivering high-class accounting practices and maintaining financial transactions properly for SMEs and large companies to survive in the long run. We will not only let you save big on money but also give you a golden chance to benefit yourself from professionalized and personalized VAT services.  

Contact us to consult about different types of accounting practices in the UAE and audit-related queries, as we will help you select the most suitable approach for your business. 


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