What is the Muwafaq package and how it can help SMEs in UAE?


For UAE’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), navigating the financial landscape can feel like charting an uncharted sea. The winds of compliance swirl around you, the currents of taxation threaten to pull you under, and the horizon seems perpetually shrouded in uncertainty.

But fear not, intrepid entrepreneurs! A guiding star has emerged – the Muwafaq Package, a government initiative designed to illuminate your path and propel your business toward calmer waters.

What is the Muwafaq Package, & How does it benefit SMEs?

Developed by the Federal Tax Authority (FTA), Muwafaq is more than just a life raft; it’s a fully stocked treasure galleon filled with incentives, support, and simplified procedures.

Let’s dive deep and explore how this package can empower you to conquer your financial voyage as well as the UAE Muwafaq benefits for businesses:

1. Financial Freedom Fighters:

Imagine freeing yourself from the shackles of hefty interest. Muwafaq offers a six-month zero-interest loan, a financial oxygen mask for SMEs gasping for temporary cash flow support. This allows you to invest in growth initiatives or weather unexpected storms without getting buried in debt.

But that’s not all! Setting sail can be expensive, and Muwafaq slashes your upfront costs with a 50% discount on registration and licensing fees. This means more capital to invest in your actual business, not paperwork. Financial support for SMEs in the UAE is now possible because of this package.

2. Compliance Crusaders:

Taxes are the dreaded kraken of every entrepreneur. But Muwafaq tames the beast with reduced administrative penalties for minor missteps. It’s like having a safety net, allowing you to focus on growth without crippling anxieties over unintentional errors.

Feeling overwhelmed by tax deadlines? Muwafaq throws you a lifeline with flexible tax payment options. This means no more last-minute scrambles or sleepless nights. You can breathe easy knowing the FTA understands your cash flow ebbs and flows.

3. Knowledge is Power:

Uncertain about the latest tax regulations? Muwafaq equips you with the ultimate weapon: free tax training programs. These educational sessions are your compass, guiding you through the complexities of tax procedures and ensuring accuracy and compliance.

But knowledge isn’t just theoretical. Muwafaq provides a treasure trove of educational materials and guides, transforming tax jargon into clear, actionable steps. It’s like having a tax sherpa by your side, always ready to demystify the unknown.

4. VIP Treatment:

Lost in a sea of applications and approvals? Muwafaq grants you priority access. Imagine skipping the queue, your documents whizzing through the system with faster processing times. This means less time waiting and more time conquering new markets. UAE zero-interest loan for SMEs is now also available through Muwafaq.

Tax filing shouldn’t feel like deciphering ancient hieroglyphics. Muwafaq simplifies the process with streamlined procedures. No more mountains of paperwork, just clear, concise forms that make tax filing a breeze.

Need immediate assistance? Muwafaq connects you with your own dedicated FTA account manager. Consider them your financial guru, ready to answer your questions, offer tailored advice, and ensure you’re always on the right course.

How Profits Plus Can Help As Your Muwafaq Navigator

At Profits Plus, we understand the challenges and opportunities that come with being an SME in the UAE. We’re not just accountants but your financial co-pilots, ready to help you navigate the Muwafaq package and unlock its full potential.

We’ll help you:

  • Access the Muwafaq benefits you deserve
  • Leverage the training and support resources effectively
  • Optimize your tax compliance for maximum savings
  • Utilize the streamlined procedures for hassle-free filing

Let’s chart a course towards financial success, using Muwafaq as our guiding star and Profits Plus as your trusty vessel. So, if you’re looking for the best accounting firm for the Muwafaq package in UAE, let us be your guide. So, set your sails, raise your anchor, and let’s embark on this exciting financial adventure!

Contact ProfitsPlus.ae today, and let’s unlock the power of Muwafaq for your SME!

The Importance of Auditing for SMEs in the UAE


As a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) in the UAE market, it’s essential to clearly understand your financial performance and ensure that your financial statements are accurate and reliable. This is where auditing comes in.

In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of having an internal audit for SMEs in the UAE and how it can help your business succeed.

What Is Auditing?

Generally speaking, auditing is the process of examining and checking the company’s financial records & transactions to make certain all are correct and in accordance with the accounting regulations and standards. An audit can be conducted by an external auditor or an internal auditor within the company.

Why Is Auditing Important For SMEs In The Uae?

Here are some advantages of auditing for SMEs:

Compliance with UAE Regulations

UAE SMEs must comply with local regulations and accounting standards, including the UAE Commercial Companies Law and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Auditing helps ensure that your financial statements are in line with these regulations, lowering the possibility of penalties and legal complications.

Improved Financial Management

Auditing objectively assesses your financial performance and can help identify areas where your business can improve. This can include identifying inefficiencies, improving managing cash flow, and implementing better financial controls.

Greater Transparency And Credibility

By conducting regular audits, SMEs can demonstrate transparency and credibility to investors, lenders, and other stakeholders. This can increase trust in your business and improve your reputation in the market.

Facilitating Business Growth

Auditing can also help SMEs in the UAE market access financing and investment opportunities. Lenders and investors often require audited financial statements as part of their due diligence process. Having reliable financial statements can help your business secure funding and grow.

Risk Management

Auditing can also help SMEs identify and manage financial risks. By examining your financial records and transactions, auditors can identify potential fraud, errors, and other financial risks that could harm your business. This can help you proactively manage these risks and protect your business.

Tax Compliance

Auditing can also help SMEs ensure compliance with tax regulations in the UAE. Auditors can review your financial records and transactions to ensure that you report your taxes correctly and make the most of any potential tax breaks or credits. Similarly, they also need to check your VAT Compliance.

Internal Control Review

Auditing can help SMEs review their internal controls and processes to make certain they’re effective and efficient. This can include reviewing your accounting software, policies and procedures, and employee training programs to identify areas for improvement.

How often should SMEs in the UAE conduct audits?

Determining the frequency of audits for SMEs in the UAE can be challenging, as it can vary depending on various factors. One important component is the size of the business. Larger SMEs may require more frequent audits as they have more complex financial structures and a greater potential for risk. On the other hand, smaller SMEs may not require audits as frequently as they have simpler financial systems and lower risk profiles.

Another factor influencing the frequency of audits is the industry in which the SME operates. Specific sectors like finance and healthcare are subject to more stringent regulations and may require more frequent audits. Additionally, industries more susceptible to financial fraud or errors may require more frequent audits.

Finally, the financial performance of the SME can also impact the frequency of audits. SMEs that are experiencing rapid growth or significant changes in their financial structures may require more frequent audits to ensure that their financial statements remain accurate and reliable.

In general, it is recommended that SMEs conduct audits at least once a year. This frequency ensures that their financial statements are accurate and comply with regulations while also providing an opportunity to identify areas for improvement in financial and risk management. However, SMEs should work with their auditors to determine the appropriate frequency of audits based on their unique circumstances and needs.


Finally, auditing is an important component of financial management for SMEs in the UAE market. It helps ensure compliance with regulations, improves financial management, enhances transparency and credibility, facilitates business growth, and manages financial risks. At Profits Plus, we understand the importance of auditing for SMEs and offer various auditing services to help businesses achieve their financial goals. Contact us today to learn more.